Our services combine our legacy within the profession with our keen eye for long-term, sustainable practices.
Structural Engineering
Valuation Practice & Property Management
Energy Performance Certification
Feasability Studies & Reports
DHI Periti believes that research is the essence to successful architecture together with constructive client relations. This approach continues throughout the total execution of our projects, resulting in buildings that express a sense of place, are meaningful to their users, and also have passive architectural integrity.
A DHI Periti building project is always underpinned by rigorous judgements of geometry and proportion, as well as respect for the essence of the materials used. We believe in giving the project a soul, with which it could give a sense of well being and improve the community and environment in which it is set.

Structural Engineering
Having gained experience on structural projects and bridgeworks in the Middle East and Libya in the late seventies, this work led to the elegance and economy of material in the structural steel design of the ribbed dome for Savio College gym.
Work relates to:
● Steel structures
● Concrete reinforced & prestressed structures
● Masonry Structures
● Timber & Glazing Design
● Geotecnics in structural engineering involving
clay sites, piling in rock, diaphragm walling
● Seismic (including retrofitting of existing) & Tsunami design
Over the years, DHI Periti have constantly kept abreast in the field of Engineering by publishing papers in high profile journals and also in the undertaking of CPD courses for Structural Engineers with particular reference to the structural strength & serviceability performance of local materials.

The office in 2001 had compiled for BICC a “Structural Design Handbook for the Maltese Islands” which had tackled the structural capabilities of the local masonry Franka, both as a compressive load bearing element and as geometric panels to withstand lateral loading, whether wind, soil or water pressures.
In Disaster Management, a report had been compiled in 1995 for the Malta Insurance Association for the “Seismic, Tsunami, and Volcanic vulnerability of the Maltese Islands.”
Due to DHI Periti’s overall experience, the office is entrusted with:
● DHI Periti currently accommodates candidates of the Institution of Structural Engineers for their professional Chartered examination (M.I.Struct.E.). The examination is held annually in April and depending on local demand, candidates will report to the office for further instrucutions. A member of staff acts as an official Institution Invigilator and is the liason with the Institution Headquarters.
Valuation Practice &
Property Management
Consultancies for local and foreign financial institutions revolves around residential, office, retail, warehousing and the specialised valuation practice of hotels, old people’s homes, hospitals, petrol stations, schools, affordable housing and quarries. The Valuation Practice analytical approach adopted by the firm has revolutionised this important real estate sector for the Maltese economy.
This practice, acknowledging the great importance of Real Estate for Malta led to chairing a sub-committee of the KTP Architect & Civil Engineering Chamber in Malta publishing Valuation Standards for Malta in 2004, as updated in 2012.

In 1999, the office had chaired a KTP/BICC Conference on Housing Affordability in Malta. This dilemma led to establishing a housing affordability index HAI for the Maltese Islands. Later on the % calculation of people falling below the poverty trap was established by the Office.
Further, the office over the years has held various CPD valuation courses for KTP, the Malta Chamber of Architects and Civil Engineers in Valuation Practice. These courses outline valuation methodology as undertaken in the local context, whilst taking cognisance of the legal structures in place.

Energy Performance Certification
The European Union in 2010 issued the Energy Performance of buildings directive (2010/31/EU). This required all member states to apply a methodology at national level to calculate the energy performance of buildings based on a framework as set out in this directive.
The creation of this directive led Malta to put in force Legal Notice 238 in 2006 and Legal Notice 261 in 2008. These legislations established minimum requirements (as shown in Technical Guidance Document F) on all new buildings and other existing buildings which undergo extensive alterations. As a result to this all buildings that are designed, sold or rented from 2009 onwards have to have an Energy Performance Certificate. The latest applicable legal notice 376 of 2012.
DHI Periti, has undertaken the necessary training required and obtain the EPB assessor license to be able to offer assessment and certification in line with active legislation.
DHI Periti building solutions in terms of planning, architectural designs and spatial planning aim to improve the Energy Efficiency in buildings in order to reduce electricity and water consumption and the carbon footprint of the projects.
As part of the philosophy employed designs aim to increase indoor thermal comfort and air quality by identifying the best technical and passive solutions of the building.
● Integration of Energy Efficient Technologies
in a Non-invasive manner
● Passive Design Optimization
● Materials selection
● Smart Grid
● Occupant Waste Management
● Cost – Benefit Analysis
● Energy Performance Certificate
● Government Incentives update
● Sustainability Communication & Marketing

● Offices
● Cultural Heritage
● Tourism
● Healthcare

As part of the ever increasing environmental demands and critical situation that the planet is reaching, Dhi is presently undertaking an analytical approach to the embodied carbon of structural design to be able to provide more informed decisions with respect to structural solutions for both new and existing buildings.
Feasability Studies
& Reports
In 1996 the Malta Insurance Association commissioned a report on “Anticipated Earthquake effect and related perils for the Maltese Islands.” The report was later updated in 2019.
As Chairman to BICC technical committee dwelling on
the Maltese property markets, the office had produced
2 consultative reports (2003 & 2006) to be gauged
by Government.
In 2007 a report was undertaken for Malta Enterprise
dwelling on “Office Space in Malta”.
In 2009 a report was compiled for the Inland Revenue Department relating to “Immovable Property Valuation Guidelines for the Inland Revenue Department”.

In 2009 a report was also compiled for the Ministry for Resources and Rural Affairs, with regards to “Market Value Criteria for Land Value in Outside Development Zones (ODZ’s) for the proposed Countryside Fund.” The report was later revised in 2013.
Risks in High Rise Buildings – Jan 2009, as undertaken
for the Malta Insurance Association.
In 2012 BOV commissioned a report dwelling on Property
data bases residential & commercial for the revaluation
of immovable property.
On an annual basis updating occurs to the report
“Property Market Mechasisms of the Maltese Islands.”
Refer to Maltese Property Reports of the Resources
Secton for more details.