For over four decades, form has followed function across all of our work.

Stainless Steel Products Malta
Stainless Steel Products MaltaAn expansion project included the acquisition of an existing adjacent low steel shed type building. The floor level was excavated in rock to achieve the desired factory height, whilst also obtaining the same floor level for the entire...

Savio College Gymnasium
Savio College GymnasiumThe structural design of the steel dome structure was commissioned for by the steel fabricator. The analysis consists of a 3-hinged arched dome construction of 35m span, with a central tension ring taking a light lantern. The structure was resin...

Aviation Part 2
Aviation Part 2 Phase 2In 2009, the firm designed the general supported steel hanger measuring 30m * 54m * 8m high, together with the external landscaping and restoration works that complete the site. All design work for the hanger, including structural and civil...

Malta Flying School
Malta Flying SchoolThe 25.6m X 21.7m land area available was spanned over by a 21m span steel portal frame of 8m height. The steel portals are spaced at 6.4m centres, with one set of central bracing installed. A 3m high lean to building was constructed in concrete...

Malta Aviation Museum
Malta Aviation Museum Phase 1In 1997, the firm took the responsibility of overseeing of works on the Malta Aviation Museum. The project involved the utilization of ex-RAF buildings, where the 1st exhibits were housed in a 10m span Romney Hut. The two adjacent 10m span...